Friday, August 21, 2009

Hi Malaysian, Are you want to Financial Freedom?

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Cara simpan Duit dengan Bijak, Cuba simpan duit di dalam Unit Amanah ( Unit Trust ),
Saya tak akan ajar benda yang tak pernah Cuba.Hanya satu bank di malaysia akan kasih interest PALING KURANG 12%.
Nak Tahu Bank yang mana? Email me: will let u know .

Kalau nak hidup senang, Kita perlu cari duit. Kalau nak Kaya, Biar Duit cari kita.
Biar Duit Kerja Untuk Kita...
Public Mutual In Malaysia

Ini bukan Skim Cepat Kaya, Ia adalah salah satu Bank di malaysia.

Are you happy with the interest returns from your saving,
Fixed Deposit (3%),
Your EPF return (5%)?
Why not save in Unit Trust with a mininum return rate of 10%Interest?


Case Study 1# :IF you have saving RM 50,000.00 in your Fixed Deposit,
Per year Interest around 3% the amount you get around Rm 1500.00

Case Study 2# :IF you have saving RM 50,000.00 in your EPF,
Per Year Interst around 5% the amount you get around RM 2500.00

Case Study 3# :IF you have saving RM 50,000.00 in Unit trust,(the bank I try saving)
Per Year Interest MININUM 12% the amount You Get around RM 6000.00

* Can You See The Same Amount of Money, and the different of Return you get?
so why not you try saving your money In this Unit Trust?

saya pasti anda akan tanya, betulke? Apa itu Unit Amanah?

Click here to see the what is Unit trust?

It is highly recommended by all leading banks in Malaysia. It started 29 years ago, and until now has performed with excellence.
For more Information pls call me or send me an email, and sms your ( hp no ) we will call and explain more details.
Please call Miss Lye : +6013-7469739
Mr Eswaran: +013-7151298